article is for two types of people.
first type - investors in the world's largest projects. They know for
sure that the most expensive commodity in the world are the projects
of managing the world community bringing enormous extra profits, and
this article is an introduction of such project.
second type - people that are able to create not only the future of
their own country, but also in general, the entire world community.
Here we mean people of all fields of human activity because the
future comprehensive project requires detailed professional
main purpose of this article is to very briefly disclose the goal of
the most important world project,
transition of all mankind to a new economic formation without
wars, revolutions, restructuring, artificial economic crises and
other destructive struggles. Also, to attract as many people as
possible to solve this global task, without which, the further
development of the world community of people will be impossible.
have a false opinion that the capitalist formation is the last and
the only correct formation of mankind. Many liberal theorists believe
that it is in this framework that people should live and evolve in
their development. However, the world is arranged that way, where any
system created in it, like the person himself, goes through the stage
of birth, development and destruction. So capitalism, as a system,
has reached the limit of its development and must begin a gradual
retreat into history. And to replace it peacefully,
must come a new, more perfect formation. Does not matter if we want
it, or we do not want it, but right now, the uncontrolled transition
to a new formation of mankind began because the world dictates its
living conditions and the laws of development for which people should
This is the path of evolutionary development of the world and all its
components. Failure to comply with these laws leads to involution,
degradation, chaos, destruction and the disappearance of entire
civilizations. And here it should be noted that at the present stage
of the mankind development, the world-wide uncontrolled and
spontaneous transition into a new economic formation can naturally
lead to such consequences.
the history of the last century of the development of mankind, there
has already been such a small, unsuccessful experience of the
transition of mankind into a new economic formation, called
socialism. Which to great happiness did not affect all of humanity
because it would be catastrophically detrimental to all mankind. And
yet, it caused huge sacrifices and destruction of many states because
in the majority it was poorly controlled, and often uncontrolled. And
besides, unsuccessfulness of this experience, can be characterized by
two major global errors.
first global mistake was that there was no correct theoretical basis
for the formation of this over-complex system called socialism. The
incorrectness of all the existing theories of socialism is that they
are built without observing the laws of building the world. And the
second global mistake is that the theoretical base was built by
people who believe that capitalism, as a system, must be completely
destroyed, and on its ruins create a new system, which is
fundamentally wrong! As for the practical embodiment of socialism in
Russia in 1917, the very system itself was built by narrow-minded
people and even, often illiterate. And on one desire to "live a
new life," one cannot build correctly and qualitatively
something that is super complicated in this complex world of ours.
solution of such a complex task of the transition of mankind into a
new economic formation is possible for people with good mental
abilities, which allow them to correctly analyze the past and create
a real future.
Accordingly, the theoretical basis and construction of this very
system of the new formation should only
executed by the
best representatives of our civilization,
whom it is necessary to isolate in our vast society.
on the above said, we conclude that the first and most important
decision of ours should be the separation of clever,
honest, law-abiding and decent people who are able to properly
analyze the past and create a real future
from the main mass of humanity in order that they, on their own
theoretical and practical experience, were able to prove and show the
whole world how the future development of mankind and the importance
of this transition should be.
separation of such people from the bulk of mankind will be done with
help of a large business of a new type in
the form of corporations that will be created in accordance with the
existing laws of the capitalist system of the state in which they
will be built. But the internal laws and the construction of such
of a new type
will be created and built according to the
laws of true socialism, as the highest form of development of
main distinguishing feature of such corporations will be that 60%
of employees will be co-owners
of the corporation and 40%
are civilian workers.
And the stability and reliability of the corporation will consist in
the fact that in the beginning the
of the corporation will be created theoretically and legislatively
and only after that it will be filled by the employees in accordance
with their knowledge and professional capabilities. That is, in the
future work, not
people will lead the system constantly changing it and adjusting for
themselves, the system will guide people, creating for them the ideal
working and living conditions.
In this regard, nobody will be able to change or rebuild the created
the same time, from the view of the existing capitalist system, all
the necessary conditions must be provided for this very complex
transition to a new
economic formation,
because the very existing
system of capitalism will be primarily interested in strengthening
its system with the help of the new economic formation
at the beginning will look like a small experiment, like a mini
state in the state,
and then, interconnected in the world
network of such formed mini states in every state of the world.
Thus, the first network state of a certain type will be created. (And
in the future, there will be only three
such types of states). Only after this, one can definitely say that
all of humanity has begun its gradual transition to a new economic
the modern globalizing world, six types of civilizations are in
constant contradiction with each other.
these civilizations, only three can influence the creation of
stability in the world:
Western European civilization.
Chinese civilization.
Eastern European civilization.
civilizations are expressed through the state systems of the United
States, China and Russia. For all history of development these
civilizations have been fighting for world leadership, but none of
these civilizations could achieve stability in the world when
achieving their goal, because it is impossible to destroy the other
two civilizations with modern weapons.
the other hand, none of the above named civilizations can create the
right way for the development of mankind alone. Only the
complementarity of these civilizations can create the right path for
the development of mankind.
this, we will assess the main activities of these civilizations.
have succeeded in economic
issues at the international level,
so it can be assumed that they will control the entire
world economy
most effectively.
has succeeded in creating wealth
on a global scale,
so we can assume that their networked state will control and be the
legislator of the entire world production
of the material wealth
of all mankind.
has experienced such a huge number of revolutions, various wars,
restructuring, etc., that they have undergone a long path of
spiritual transformation of the inhabitants of their state and
managed to create in their soul such an image
good and justice,
that it will be perceived by the entire world community, as
a further path of the spiritual development of mankind.
And accordingly, the
entire world management system will first theoretically be formed in
the networked state of Russia, and then be perceived by the entire
world community.
that you do not get a false opinion that these three types of network
states will be separated from each other and only deal with their
tasks, I will give a little explanation.
three types of networked states will be represented in the form of
laws according to the type of their network state,
and with all this, they absolutely will
not have their own territory.
In a global sense, these three types of networked states will
complement each other, creating a set of world laws for the
evolutionary development of mankind.
greater clarity, I will give an example.
citizen of the Russian network state, can be engaged in the
production of material goods by working in a corporation of China or
dealing with economic problems working in the US corporation, while
remaining a citizen of the Russian network state. Similarly, citizens
of other networked states can work in any area of other networked
states. But at the same time it should be noted that the bulk of
citizens of network states will work for a state of their own type.
It should also be noted that the significance of each network state
will not be in its military might or the strength of the economy, but
in the responsibility
that the global community has imposed on it, according to its type.
type of network state forms, coordinates and approves at the
international level its type of laws. And after their detailed
consideration, discussion and approval, strictly controls their
execution. Thus, all world laws will be created, which will begin to
form the REASON
the US, China and Russia are in very complicated relationships and if
not create world stability, in the form of a new economic formation
of humanity, then everything can develop into a global international
conflict. In
the proposed version, the
three polar worlds in the future will ensure the permanent stable
development of mankind.
anyone is interested in this topic, you can watch 46 video clips on
my channel in YouTube
can contact me at the following addresses:
+1(416)358-8720 cell. Also, I am registered on WhatsApp and Viber
This is also the address of my Skype.
unfortunately my English is not the best and I use automatic
make mistakes. I do not have the time, money or opportunity to hire
professional translators and translate video clips into English.
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